Case Types
Nicholas Kyriakopoulos specializes in the following practice areas:
Trucking Crashes
Automobile No-Fault Cases
Motor Vehicle/Automobile Crashes
Motorcycle Crashes
Motor-vehicle v. Pedestrian collisions
Spa/Salon Negligence
Bus Collisions
Bicycle Crashes
Liquor Liability/Dramshop Claims
Boating and Water Sport Injuries
Dog Bite Incidents
Trampoline Injuries
Class Actions
Wrongful Death Cases
Property/Premises Claims
Nursing Home Negligence
Sexual harassment
Wrongful termination
Whistleblower claims
Mr. Kyriakopoulos has extensive experience handling complex injury cases. Nick has a network of excellent lawyers and law firms to whom he can refer clients with respect to cases outside of his specialized practice areas. He stands ready to recommend the right law firm to suit the client’s particular needs if a particular case warrants it. This guidance and advice are always free for the client.
Nick does not charge for an initial confidential consultation. He generally schedules appointments between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Eastern Time) Monday through Friday.